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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 18, Issue 1, pp. 1-264

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The Restarted Arnoldi Method Applied to Iterative Linear System Solvers for the Computation of Rightmost Eigenvalues

Karl Meerbergen and Dirk Roose

pp. 1-20

Relative Residual Bounds For The Eigenvalues of a Hermitian Semidefinite Matrix

Zlatko Drmac and Vjeran Hari

pp. 21-29


Kim-Chuan Toh

pp. 30-36

GMRES On (Nearly) Singular Systems

Peter N. Brown and Homer F. Walker

pp. 37-51

Stability of the Diagonal Pivoting Method with Partial Pivoting

Nicholas J. Higham

pp. 52-65

Estimating The Support Of A Scaling Vector

Wasin So and Jianzhong Wang

pp. 66-73

Determinant of the Sum of a Symmetric and a Skew-Symmetric Matrix

Natália Bebiano, Chi-Kwong Li, and João da Providência

pp. 74-82

Bounds for the Componentwise Distance to the Nearest Singular Matrix

S. M. Rump

pp. 83-103

Stability Issues in the Factorization of Structured Matrices

Michael Stewart and Paul Van Dooren

pp. 104-118

Bounds for the Differences of Matrix Means

M. Alic, B. Mond, J. Pecaric, and V. Volenec

pp. 119-123

A Constrained Procrustes Problem

Lars-Erik Andersson and Tommy Elfving

pp. 124-139

An Unsymmetric-Pattern Multifrontal Method for Sparse LU Factorization

Timothy A. Davis and Iain S. Duff

pp. 140-158

Sparse Multifrontal Rank Revealing QR Factorization

Daniel J. Pierce and John G. Lewis

pp. 159-180

Vertical Block Hidden Z-Matrices And The Generalized Linear Complementarity Problem

S. R. Mohan and S. K. Neogy

pp. 181-190

Stability of Augmented System Factorizations in Interior-Point Methods

Stephen Wright

pp. 191-222

On Episodic Queues

Qi-Ming He and Marcel F. Neuts

pp. 223-248

Approximability by Weighted Norms of the Structured and VolumetricSingular Values of a Class of Nonnegative Matrices

Daniel Hershkowitz, Wenchao Huang, Hans Schneider, and Hans Weinberger

pp. 249-257

Some Inequalities for Norms of Commutators

Rajendra Bhatia and Fuad Kittaneh

pp. 258-263

Addendum: Is The Polar Decomposition Finitely Computable?

Alan George and Kh. Ikramov

p. 264